Deciding & Achieving > Comparing Decision Methods > Re-organizing the Set

Re-Organizing the Decision Typology

The initial organization of the decision-making approaches is as a hierarchical list. This is the 1st Principal Typology in THEE, whose levels/types derive from the Primary Hierarchy of Action (PH1). The Types are disparate, incompatible and largely antagonistic to each other.

To understand and discover more, we apply a THEE method to grasp all decision approaches simultaneously: creation of the Typology Essences Table (or TET) for the Typology.

The TET helps us see how each method relates to and potentially interacts with the other methods—in the mind of the user (you, me) and in social-organizational life. Because decision-methods are identity-defining mentalities, the TET analysis also reveals how an individual committed to one method is likely to relate to people committed to other decision-making methods.

Step 1: Determine the TET Axes

The TET uses a Type's psycho-social essences as its axes. By convention, the –social aspect is the X-axis and the psycho- aspect is the Y-axis. This creates four distinctive quadrants in any THEE Typology.

We surely could have worked it out for ourselves, but management and leadership studies over many decades assert and confirm that all decision and achievement has two dimensions

Decision-making Typology Essences Table with Axes and general Quadrant indications.

► the work to be done

► the people who do the work

and these dimensions naturally point to the Executing Duality. In relation to decision-making specifically:

► the X-axis concerns the tasks that a decision issue generates;

► the Y-axis concerns the persons who will be involved in making the decisions and performing the tasks flowing from it

The decision approaches obviously differ greatly on:

►how oriented to people
i.e. their needs, feelings, relationships, views, values

► how oriented to task
i.e. its demands, its outputs, its processes, its implications

So the quadrants can be characterized in these terms. Understanding why the decision approaches are positioned as they are is important for appreciating further applications, so...

Now take Step 2.

Originally posted: 21-Apr-2011

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